Wait For Me
Darling did you know that I,
I dream about you,
Waiting for the look in your eyes
When we meet for the first time?
Darling did you know that I,
I pray about you,
Praying that you will hold on,
And keep your loving eyes only for me?
Cause I am waiting for,
Praying for you darling,
Wait for me too,
Wait for me as I wait for you…
Darling, wait…
~”Wait for Me,” Rebecca St. James~
Wait. That’s a word we really don’t like to hear. We don’t like waiting anywhere, not even in the grocery store check-out line. How much more do we not like waiting for our prince to come riding up?!
This isn’t just a matter of waiting – it’s also a matter of saving ourselves for the one we are waiting for.
That in itself doesn’t sound too awfully hard, although sometimes we get impatient. But this type of waiting is not only about physical purity. It’s about a state of mind, almost, a mindset that we will wait and save not only our body, but our love for just one person. To be able to say to the one you will marry, “I’ve never said ‘I love you’ to any other man but you,” is quite an incredible thing. To know that you have not given pieces of your heart away to many different guys but that you have saved all of your heart for the one you will marry is a freeing thought (and feeling!). There is a verse that says to not awaken love until the groom is to come (Song of Solomon 2:7), basically God is instructing us to wait for our husband. We should heed God’s instruction! Believe me, it’s worth the wait!
The hardest part about waiting is figuring out what to do in the mean-time. Everyone has different ideas, although I think one of the best things you can do is begin preparing yourself to be a wife and mother, whether that is through learning about cooking, or learning about teaching your children someday, or a multitude of other things. Something that helped me was to set goals and strive towards those goals. Pray for your future husband and his family, that they will raise him up as you’ve been raised. Just remember that this time is special too. You’re not just “marking time” until your prince shows up, do something worthwhile for God!
What are some things you have done while you’ve been waiting? We’d love to hear your thoughts and ideas, so leave a comment!
P.S. Sorry for the lack of posts lately... it's been pretty crazy around here! Hopefully we can get back into the swing of things here and get posting more regularly again!
At 9:56 AM, Anna Naomi said…
Glad to see another post! I have been checking by here regularly. =)
I agree, it is so important to wait, even when it is hard. I have been praying for my future husband, and keeping a journal written to him for more than a year now, and it's been so helpful. It helps me since I'm able to share things with him, even before I even meet him.
I have also been trying to get a lot of training in the domestic things so that I will one day, the Lord willing, be a good wife and mother. Thank you for all the encouragement you give on this blog!
At 9:51 AM, Our farm life out here said…
Oh that was a good article! I loved it..
Sometimes it drives me nuts, because yeah, waiting is really hard!
I have realized lately that maybe God doesn't want me to be with anyone right now, so I am currently making things for my hope chest, pillow cases, pot holders, dish towels, etc! It's really fun! And yes, I do pray, and pray most for hope, since I recently realized, I had given up dreaming about it, and so my anticipation was running dry. But I am back on the course now, and I have found lots of happiness in being busy and offering my sufferings up to God for reparation for my sins. Loved your article!
At 9:52 AM, Our farm life out here said…
And yes, I write love letters to him right now, so I can give them to him when we get married. Reading through them fill me with hope!
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