That our daughters may be as corner stones...

...polished after the similitude of a palace...

~Psalm 144:12~

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

A Very Enjoyable & Helpful Ladies' Blog

A blog I've been reading and enjoying immensely has been Biblical Womanhood Online. Crystal is always offering tips on homemaking, frugality, and young ladies' home businesses! Her articles and posts have definitely been an encouragement to me! Take a few minutes to check it out!

This link will take you to some of the best of Crystal's blog!

Also, stay tuned for some new posts here at As Corner Stones...we have some new posts planned!

Monday, September 04, 2006

The Return of Covenental Marriage

Doug Phillips of Vision Forum Ministries recently posted a beautiful wedding story of Kelly Brown to Peter Bradrick. I am so blessed to have family that shares this vision, and that Luke's family also shares this vision.

The Bible teaches that men reap what they sow. Covenant keepers reap blessings. Covenant breakers reap judgment. This couple reaped not only great blessings, but they inaugurated their life together by proclaiming to the world that their marriage is about more than themselves. It is about a joint dominion mission for the glory of God. It is about children and grandchildren yet to be born. It is about an unfolding generational vision which they will share together, as together they spend their life in the service of Christ.

And it is about the richness and permanence of the marriage covenant.

~Doug Phillips

You can read the rest of the article here.